

Targa d’Argento consegnata dal Presidente Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Per l’impegno nella formazione dei giovani e per avere valorizzato la danza italiana in tutto il mondo

Il fondo audiovisivo “Patrizia Cerroni & I Danzatori Scalzi” e’ stato acquistato dal Demanio Culturale dello Stato Italiano come bene artistico e culturale del nostro paese in data 16 novembre 2023

Top 10 della lista di libri Sahitya Tak-23 in India

Patrizia Cerroni

Un’artista unica per la forza creativa del suo linguaggio della danza, riconosciuto dalla critica internazionale come “completamente originale”.


I Danzatori Scalzi

Oltre 2000 spettacoli in Italia, 21 tournées in Europa e 27 nel resto del mondo.



Cosa Dicono di Noi

  • great success ... six splendid dancers...a dance that become strong and sweet, dramatic and lyrical, always in a deep emotional tension
    Gli Amici della Musica
  • The best I’ve seen and heared since many years”, that’s the reaction of a young spectator... there is a fantastic bravura and inspiration.... The delicate and refined movements..... born from the intimate of nature or from a dream..... poetry without heavyness..... Actual, wonderful art.
    Kieler Nachrichten
  • It’s hard not to share in festivities of dynamic dancers...they are collectively and individually an almost irresistibly energetic lot...Cerroni’s movement vocabulary, which seems drawn from no dance dictionary but her own, looks entirely original.
    Winston-Salem Journal
  • It is clear that here we are being bombarded with an array of richly interwoven ideas, by far the most stimulating to watch was the mostly improvised piece based on a pre-established choreographic structure of encounters and correlations, the dancers move freely but precisely, knowing their strict vocabulary of this language, recreating the relations of rhythm and movement to the jazz music of Charlie Mingus.
    The Sydney Morning Herald
  • An entertaining show with enticing moments balancing between Eros and Spirituality. Cerroni, passionate and bewitching seductress, is in the centre of a beautiful show of physical and spiritual energy with six technically competent dancer in an hymn to love.
    La Repubblica
  • Patrizia, beyond her technical excellence, with her dance blended the intellect with an emotional expression that came from her very heart.
    The Telegraph
  • Patrizia Cerroni, always capable of renewing herself, well established in the field of international dance, is in the core of the show sensual and flexuous...
    Corriere della Sera
  • A powerful and meaningful performance, superbly fascinating, unforgettable
    Singapore New Straits Times
  • Choreographer nonconformist and nonconventional, endowed with a most personal style and in a form really sparkling with her excellent dancers each in its own way elegant, fascinating, enticing, seducing, touching... . a thrilling show of the eternally adolescent Patrizia
    Il Tempo
  • Cerroni had a great deal to express...her talents are rare and unique.
    The Times Of India
  • We have a chance to see a true “prima ballerina” Patrizia breaks loose like a force of nature
    La Sicilia